Some of these guidelines aren’t always applicable. They could help you to know what to keep in mind when dealing with people who have little to no prophetic background.
- Remember that the message that God wants the person to receive is the most important part of what you are doing there.
- If you can, have it written down before the time for them so they can reference it later and have clarity of what you said.
- Do not use words that the person may not understand
- Do not try to explain what the prophetic ministry is before giving a word
- Use language like: “I feel God is saying to you…”, “I believe the Lord wants you to know that…”, “I have a sense that Jesus wants you to know that…”
- Ask them whether you can share with them.
- Show God’s love to them in how you deal with them.
- There is no need to give them a course on the prophetic – that is not necessarily your mission!
- Ask them whether what you said made sense to them and if there is anything that you need to explain or if there are any questions.
Prophetic Resource